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Comments on Hunter offshore wind feasibility license approval

Hunter Workers congratulates Equinox and Oceanex for their successful application to conduct the feasibility studies required to progress the Hunter Offshore Wind Project. The application has demonstrated that our communities will be thoroughly engaged and consulted throughout this process.

Doing the energy transition right in the interests of local workers and industry will provide thousands of jobs for local workers, support local manufacturing, skills development, and economic diversity for our region.

Hunter Workers and our affiliated Unions look forward to working with the successful applicant for the benefit of Hunter Workers and our region.

Leigh Shears, Hunter Workers Secretary

Acknowledgement of Country

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Hunter Workers acknowledges the Awabakal, Worimi and Wonnarua Nations as the traditional custodians of Newcastle and the Hunter region, and recognises their continuing cultural and spiritual relationships to the land, waters, and seas.
We pay respect to the wisdom of the Elders past and present, and extend that respect to other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders visiting this website.

Hunter Workers recognises that the Union Movement has not always upheld our defining principle of solidarity, having oftentimes excluded First Nations comrades historically. We are committed to the work of reconciliation.

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(02) 4929 1162

Hunter Unions Building,

406-408 King Street, Newcastle West NSW 2302

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©2021 Hunter Workers

Home page photos by Iron Monkey Photography

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