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Festive season, price hikes, and staff shortages set to spike retail abuse

With Christmas now less than two weeks away, Hunter Workers is urging shoppers to be respectful of retail staff and other workers this Christmas season, as widespread staff shortages and price rises are expected to trigger increased abuse against workers.

Retail workers will be working harder than ever and taking on heavily increased workloads amid staff shortages that are being exacerbated by the peak of COVID cases in the region.

Employers have a legal obligation to keep employees safe at work, which can include taking actions such as removing or permanently banning customers.

Leigh Shears, Hunter Workers Secretary:

“We expect shoppers will be under considerable stress this Christmas, but it’s never okay to take it out on workers. It’s completely inappropriate and unacceptable.

"No one deserves a serve. Retail workers aren’t responsible for price hikes, and they work as hard as they possibly can under immense pressure. We urge shoppers to be kind to all workers this festive season.

"We remind workers that their employer has a legal obligation to keep them safe at work, and to contact your Union if these steps aren’t being adequately taken.”

Acknowledgement of Country

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Hunter Workers acknowledges the Awabakal, Worimi and Wonnarua Nations as the traditional custodians of Newcastle and the Hunter region, and recognises their continuing cultural and spiritual relationships to the land, waters, and seas.
We pay respect to the wisdom of the Elders past and present, and extend that respect to other Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders visiting this website.

Hunter Workers recognises that the Union Movement has not always upheld our defining principle of solidarity, having oftentimes excluded First Nations comrades historically. We are committed to the work of reconciliation.

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(02) 4929 1162

Hunter Unions Building,

406-408 King Street, Newcastle West NSW 2302

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©2021 Hunter Workers

Home page photos by Iron Monkey Photography

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